
  1. arXiv
    LT3SD: Latent Trees for 3D Scene Diffusion
    Quan Meng,  Lei Li, Matthias Nießner, and Angela Dai
    arXiv 2024



                  1. ECCV
                    To Supervise or Not to Supervise: Understanding and Addressing the Key Challenges of Point Cloud Transfer Learning
                    Souhail Hadgi,  Lei Li, and Maks Ovsjanikov
                    In European Conference on Computer Vision 2024
                  2. CVPR
                    GenZI: Zero-Shot 3D Human-Scene Interaction Generation
                    Lei Li, and Angela Dai
                    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2024


                  1. CVPR
                    Generalizable Local Feature Pre-training for Deformable Shape Analysis
                    Souhaib Attaiki,  Lei Li, and Maks Ovsjanikov
                    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2023


                  1. NeurIPS
                    Learning Multi-resolution Functional Maps with Spectral Attention for Robust Shape Matching
                    Lei Li, Nicolas Donati, and Maks Ovsjanikov
                    In Neural Information Processing Systems 2022
                  2. 3DV
                    SRFeat: Learning Locally Accurate and Globally Consistent Non-Rigid Shape Correspondence
                    Lei Li, Souhaib Attaiki, and Maks Ovsjanikov
                    In International Conference on 3D Vision 2022
                  3. TVCG
                    WSDesc: Weakly Supervised 3D Local Descriptor Learning for Point Cloud Registration
                    Lei Li, Hongbo Fu, and Maks Ovsjanikov
                    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2022


                  1. CVPR
                    PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration using Deep Spatial Consistency
                    Xuyang Bai, Zixin Luo, Lei Zhou, Hongkai Chen,  Lei Li, Zeyu Hu, Hongbo Fu, and Chiew-Lan Tai
                    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021


                  1. CVPR
                    End-to-End Learning Local Multi-view Descriptors for 3D Point Clouds
                    Lei Li, Siyu Zhu, Hongbo Fu, Ping Tan, and Chiew-Lan Tai
                    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2020
                  2. TCSVT
                    SketchDesc: Learning Local Sketch Descriptors for Multi-view Correspondence
                    Deng Yu,  Lei Li, Youyi Zheng, Manfred Lau, Yi-Zhe Song, Chiew-Lan Tai, and Hongbo Fu
                    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 2020
                  3. TVCG
                    Sketch-R2CNN: An RNN-Rasterization-CNN Architecture for Vector Sketch Recognition
                    Lei Li, Changqing Zou, Youyi Zheng, Qingkun Su, Hongbo Fu, and Chiew-Lan Tai
                    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 2020


                  1. Expressive
                    Context-based Sketch Classification
                    Jianhui Zhang, Yilan Chen,  Lei Li, Hongbo Fu, and Chiew-Lan Tai
                    In Proceedings of the Joint Symposium on Computational Aesthetics and Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling and Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering 2018
                  2. CG&A
                    Fast Sketch Segmentation and Labeling with Deep Learning
                    Lei Li, Hongbo Fu, and Chiew-Lan Tai
                    IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 2018


                  1. Model-driven Sketch Reconstruction with Structure-oriented Retrieval
                    Lei Li, Zhe Huang, Changqing Zou, Chiew-Lan Tai, Rynson WH Lau, Hao Zhang, Ping Tan, and Hongbo Fu
                    In SIGGRAPH ASIA Technical Briefs 2016