
07.2024 Our work To Supervise or Not to Supervise: Understanding and Addressing the Key Challenges of Point Cloud Transfer Learning has been accepted by ECCV 2024.
06.2024 I was invited to serve as a member of the Full Papers International Program Committee of the Eurographics 2025 Conference.
05.2024 I gave a talk, titled Empowering Machines with Deeper Shape Understanding, at the first CS Schnupperstudium Event for Women organized by Technical University of Munich.
02.2024 Our work GenZI: Zero-Shot 3D Human-Scene Interaction Generation has been accepted by CVPR 2024.
01.2024 I was invited to serve as a member of the Technical Papers Committee of the 2024 Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing.
07.2023 I gave an invited talk, titled Towards Robust Shape Correspondence: Learning with Receptive Field Optimization, in the Group of Geometric Computation and Visualisation led by Prof. Shengjun Liu at Central South University, China.
03.2023 Postdoc at 3D AI Lab, Technical University of Munich.
02.2023 Our work Generalizable Local Feature Pre-training for Deformable Shape Analysis has been accepted by CVPR 2023 and selected as a highlight (10% of accepted papers, 2.5% of submissions).
01.2023 I gave an invited talk, titled Towards Robust Geometric Deep Learning for Shape Correspondence, as part of the Dell Technical Generations Series Talk organized by Dell Technologies, Shanghai.
09.2022 I gave a poster presentation of our work SRFeat: Learning Locally Accurate and Globally Consistent Non-Rigid Shape Correspondence, at the first Hi! PARIS Meet Up event.
09.2022 Our work Learning Multi-resolution Functional Maps with Spectral Attention for Robust Shape Matching has been accepted by NeurIPS 2022.
08.2022 Our work SRFeat: Learning Locally Accurate and Globally Consistent Non-Rigid Shape Correspondence has been accepted by 3DV 2022.
03.2022 Our work WSDesc: Weakly Supervised 3D Local Descriptor Learning for Point Cloud Registration has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
03.2021 Our work PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration Using Deep Spatial Consistency has been accepted by CVPR 2021.
11.2020 Postdoc at LIX, École Polytechnique / Inria.
10.2020 Our work Fast Sketch Segmentation and Labeling with Deep Learning is the runner-up for the 2019 Best Paper Award from IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board.
08.2020 Our work SketchDesc: Learning Local Sketch Descriptors for Multi-View Correspondence has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology.
06.2020 Ph.D. thesis defence.
05.2020 I gave an invited talk, titled End-to-End Learning Local Multi-view Descriptors for 3D Point Clouds, at LIX, École Polytechnique / Inria.
04.2020 Our work Sketch-R2CNN: An RNN-Rasterization-CNN Architecture for Vector Sketch Recognition has been accepted by IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.
02.2020 Our work End-to-End Learning Local Multi-View Descriptors for 3D Point Clouds has been accepted by CVPR 2020.
09.2019 Internship at Megvii Research. Advised by Dr. Jue Wang.
11.2018 Our work Fast Sketch Segmentation and Labeling with Deep Learning has been accepted by IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications.
08.2018 Our work Context-based Sketch Classification has been accepted by Expressive 2018.
06.2018 Internship at Alibaba A.I. Labs. Advised by Dr. Siyu Zhu and Prof. Ping Tan.
10.2016 Our work Model-driven Sketch Reconstruction with Structure-oriented Retrieval has been accepted by the ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Technical Briefs Program.